The Polis thing ain't over 'til we say it's over

Retired Rocky film critic Bob Denerstein takes a whack at the Polis story, too.

Never mind that it takes years to become a skilled reporter. Never mind that it takes time, tact and savvy to develop sources. Never mind that talk radio has given us a pretty good idea of what a broadened expression of opinion can be worth. Never mind that some of the best bloggers in the world ply their trade on Old Media sites. Never mind that bloggers had little or nothing to do with the demise of the Rocky Mountain News.

All I can say is that if Polis' grasp of other issues is in any way comparable to his understanding of this one, his constituents should be afraid. Very afraid. So with apologies to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, I'm naming Jared Polis today's worst person in Colorado, even if he happens to be in D.C. at the moment.

I may actually start referring to the 2nd District congressman as Rep. Jared Polis, D-Not Ready for Prime Time.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for pointing on NRO what needs to said. I am a journalist and a conservative. For years I have been baffled as to why people who are suspicious of government expansion, waste and abuse of power would regard the press as an the enemy.
The main bias I've noticed on the part of reporters is the bias toward a bigger and better story.
If more conservatives in state legislatures, for example, would point out some of the flaws or waste they see in government programs by giving a reporter a tip or two, I believe it would further the conservative agenda more than the pontifications of a thousand amateur pundits.

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