
Showing posts from March 20, 2011

Almost ready to embrace The Dark Side

In recent months, I've noticed my daily routine changing. After waking, smooching my wife, starting the coffee, and feeding the pets, I stumble outdoors and pick up the paper. I'll check the headlines and see what idiocy is on the N&O edit page, and then boot up my laptop and read the news online. This is a big deal, and a total reversal of how I've consumed newspapers over the past four-plus decades. As a child, we often subscribed to two daily papers (The Winston-Salem Journal and The Charlotte Observer .) When I went away to college, at times, I'd take three -- the Charlotte O, the News & Observer, and The Durham Morning Herald . I'd often catch up on The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal in the library. I'm a newsprint and ink guy. And yet, I'm getting more and more of my information over the Web. For one thing, the N&O -- and most local dailies -- are shrinking, constantly. There was a time last year that, on a typical Mond...