Disjointed election ruminations and various catching up

It seems like I come back here every six or seven months, whether or not I need to. Since my last post, we've lost a beloved family member, Mandy (who left us at about age 110), gained a beloved family member (Grover, who's a genuine hoot, sweetheart, and the king of the daily walks) and appear to be on the verge of losing another beloved family member (the wonderful Nano, who's about as broken-down as Mandy was when she passed on). We've also traveled and gardened and rearranged furniture and I've enjoyed covering an election cycle in a role much like that of the metro editor of a capital daily. ( Carolina Journal 's election coverage is here .) Which brings me to today's post. I'm still stunned about the outcome of the election, not because I thought Mitt Romney was destined for greatness, but because I spent too much time being absorbed with politics and not enough time enjoying life. I mistakenly thought that because North Caroli...