From the ashes

A new news site is born.

Thirty former Rocky Mountain News staffers announced the launch of, a subscription-based online publication. Their goal: Line up 50,000 subscribers by April 23, what would have been the Rocky's 150th anniversary, and go live May 4. At $7 a month ($5 if you sign up for a year), initial subscriptions will be roughly half the cost of The Denver Post,

A lot of familiar names (and decades of institutional/intellectual capital) if you're a Rocky reader: Sam Adams, Mark Brown, Mary Chandler, Kevin Flynn, Tillie Fong, Gary Massaro, David Milstead, Bill Scanlon, Marc Shulgold,
Ed Stein and Mark Wolf. Along with some not-as-familiar ones, mainly from the paper's fine stable of editors. Gotta keep folks on deadline, right?

Best of luck to 'em. There'll be no shortage of news for the Timesters to provide.

UPDATE: Mike Roberts at Westword covers the press conference that kicked off the project.

As the earlier announcement mentioned, some outside capital is pledged to make the site commercially viable if enough readers pony up some dough before the April 23 deadline. The question is -- will readers pay a little to get some of what the Rocky provided? (No comics, no puzzles, no recurring features, no comprehensive coverage of sports, etc.) And do so knowing that they won't have a bundle of newsprint tossed on their doorsteps daily?

This could be a


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